For more information, contact 继续 Education at 814-375-4715 or email (电子邮件保护).
Spanish in the Workplace: Level 1
This course is shorter in length than a typical college-level Spanish 101 course; however, it is similar in scope. It is assumed that attendees have little or no previous practice with the language. The course teaches basic grammar points and builds pronunciation skills. Students will become proficient in basic Spanish greetings and courtesies, and they will be able to understand and answer basic questions in Spanish.
我们的 Spanish in the Workplace courses facilitate dialogue and foster a sense of appreciation of the Spanish language and the people who speak it. Dialects and cultural elements figure into the courses as well. Students will actively read, write, listen to, and speak in Spanish.
Rather than using the typical vocabulary sets and textbook exercises, our Spanish courses instead focus on words and conversations that are likely to occur in the 工作places of the participants. Course vocabulary varies each time the course is offered and is tailored to the needs of the students in the class. 例如, prior offerings have included terms and conversations related to customer service, medical intake forms, and essentials of manufacturing safety. With this real-world practice, students gain the competence and the confidence to use their knowledge inside and outside of the 工作place.
谁应该出席: 经理, 监事, 课堂教育工作者, health-care practitioners, and other professionals would benefit from these courses, as well as anyone else who wants to learn the language, 是否旅行, 工作, 或意识.